The wooden pulpit is just amazing, the detail and composition is somewhat complex to say the least. It would take a month to give this town’s art some justice. If you happen to visit mainland Europe then don’t miss out on Brugge, the Architecture is worth seeing of course, chocolate excellent and the Art worthy […]
Archive | History

Tower of London Poppy Flow 14-18 War
I photographed this amazing sight from London’s tallest building, The Shard. A striking reminder of the loss of so many in War, (World War 1914 to 1918). The sun caught the Tower with a river of red poppys which seem to flow out towards the Thames.
Arthurian Princess
HRH arrived home recently. My latest bronze work is now installed in my client’s garden. The mould was considered one of the most difficult ever done by the foundry and the amout of skilled work to bring her to this was very considerable. It was fun to do. The goblet’s contents may have the answer […]
No prizes for guessing where I got to the other day. Zeus at the Pergamon five Museums in three days! Just wonderful “Biscuit or Parian ware” Recognise the pose, yep that awful one! hands, hands, hands and feet too touching pose I really found this moving, believable, perhaps as I have been to sea recently! […]
Did you see Felicity Kendle’s tv show on her parents theatre company in India? Quite fascinating.
HM The Queen, Diamond Jubilee
My little contribution!
Last Week’s Trip
Yes him again, terrible face! Tor Bay I was sorry to leave Brixham, a small but very important Port in Devon. Still supporting a fishing fleet, a Life Boat Station, Coast Guard, Pilots and a plethora of tourist, educational and leisure activities it is a delightful place to visit and I have become very attached […]
Ground Breaking Children’s Exhibition for all at The Wallace Collection
Horse and Rider, William III of England
On entering St James Square Garden I took a photo of the Tourist information plaque to remind me who had been the sculptor of William III shown here. I was interested in the thickness of limbs which Swallows and I discussed some months ago. Unfortunately I seem to have lost that photo so I can […]
Wellington College
My Brother writes books, here is his latest; though mainly Military History he has been known to deviate! A fascinating account into the first 150 years of an English Public School this book is interesting to Old Wellintonians as it will be to many others. It has some great stories and is written with pristine […]