Someone asked about installation of bronzes. This looks simple but actually not so easy at all.

Someone asked about installation of bronzes. This looks simple but actually not so easy at all.
HRH arrived home recently. My latest bronze work is now installed in my client’s garden. The mould was considered one of the most difficult ever done by the foundry and the amout of skilled work to bring her to this was very considerable. It was fun to do. The goblet’s contents may have the answer […]
I was recently invited to join Purbeck Sculptors a group based in Dorset and our first Exhibition was held in Leeson House over looking the Western end of the Ise of Wight. There were literally hundreds of works to see, here are just a few. It was well attended, with a couple of thousand visitors […]
Where my source for this comes from I can’t remember but I believe the more valuable small bronze animals produce by The French Animaliers of the 19 century were actually caste by the sculptor in their studios. Later of course foundries did the work and thousands of copies followed. I started in my studio casting […]
This is how people imagine I spend my working time in the studio. No such luck. Just to spoil a few myths as so many ask! This delightful work is for sale see Sothebys.
Getting there! see here too
Have a look at that little poster, the colourful one and you will know what this is about!Martin Debenham, under the Mulberry tree (we are in Debenham country)!A Robert Mileham, installed here for just one day!Other side!Bored resident of the River Piddle”Family feeding; note the different head colour of the teenage spotted woodpecker on the […]
Setting up my June exhibition, we have a well deserved lunch break. Inspired By The Garden 28 Cork Street, London. W1S 3NG Monday 1st June 2009 to Saturday 6th June 2009 Weekdays 10.00am – 6.00pm Saturday 10.00am – 5.00pm A percentage of proceeds will go to Young Art Scotland for Cancer Research UK and Roy […]
Very busy with this and my Parian Ware and Terra Cotta works for exhibition in London in the first week in June. All will be revealed soon!
Jeff with a wax.Doug chasing.Eddy shooting a mermaid.Jan with a waxPaul with a mouldChris on a bird.Tony on a bird.Hot stuffWith Colin.Dealing with a girl’s tail.Cool stuff!
© Robert Mileham 2023