I still hear them calling me when I let the dog out morning noon and night, slightly bazaar as I don’t believe in ghosts, but it is strange. My little spotted pony was 35 years old last month and sadly failed to regain condition this summer. The Shetland was deaf and laminitic, he too was […]
St O’s Bay Olympic Sailing 2012
A rather special photo, looking West towards Start Point with Weymouth visible in the picture. The olympic sailing will take place here next year, quiet now and nodoubt quiet again afterwards!
A Country house birthday party
I think I must be very lucky to be invited to amazing parties occasionally. House parties still happen as I was to experience recently. Held in one of England’s most beautiful country houses my host, the birthday boy had three things in common with Mr Toad, a generous spirit, a kind heart and a want […]
Purbeck Sculptors at Leeson House
I was recently invited to join Purbeck Sculptors a group based in Dorset and our first Exhibition was held in Leeson House over looking the Western end of the Ise of Wight. There were literally hundreds of works to see, here are just a few. It was well attended, with a couple of thousand visitors […]
Dr James Fox
If you do a programme on British Masters (Art) for Television and you take the nettle in your hand, you are bound to get stung. So here’s another one from me Dr James. Like all the great and good you stick your neck out. On BBC 4 recently, Dr James actually said that the Art […]
Old Childrens book
An Alphabet of Magic by Eleanor Farjeon Illustrated by Margaret W Tarrant published by The Medici Society.
There is a talented lady sculptor on my Studios blog who is worth a visit.
Studio Bronze Casting
Where my source for this comes from I can’t remember but I believe the more valuable small bronze animals produce by The French Animaliers of the 19 century were actually caste by the sculptor in their studios. Later of course foundries did the work and thousands of copies followed. I started in my studio casting […]
Salcombe and Dartmouth
Much of June was spent in Devon, here are some pictures.
Cronin’s Pub
Last summer I was asked to help crew a beautiful yacht back from Ireland. As with all trips I go on there were very funny stories to tell afterwards, but let me start with a real highlight – “Cronin’s Pub”. Apart from the loan of some bedding which was over and above the expect kindness […]