Archive | La bon chere

Cronin’s Pub

Last summer I was asked to help crew a beautiful yacht back from Ireland. As with all trips I go on there were very funny stories to tell afterwards, but let me start with a real highlight – “Cronin’s Pub”. Apart from the loan of some bedding which was over and above the expect kindness […]

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Chris Miller showed us his Christmas Meal so I will show you our lunch today in tribute to Blue Genes and her egg diet en France and my daughter who is having trouble with a parrot which will not let her fill his water trough.

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I spent a little time in the wine trade, but times changed and the fun when out of it in the early 1980’s. However I do still enjoy wine (in moderation of course!!). Well we had a celebration last night; I won another commission so a bottle was called for. Now our budget for things […]

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