It interests me that such a celebrated academic of international dimension should cast such a shadow upon the hard working sculptors of Great Britain in his article in the Evening Standard on the 7th of March. It has taken that long for me to count to ten! I do not need to defend any sculptor’s […]
Some Spring Flowers
I am neglecting my blog, but working very hard on a large figure and a stallion, both must be finished urgently!! These are for Marley, who asked if it was spring yet over here in England. The answer is; “sort of”, flowers and birds think so but the rest of us are gritting our teeth […]
Comments Problem
Sorry to have to put the comments moderator on but I have some silly “B..s” leaving stuff.
Chris, Miles & ARC
Chris Miller is “on about” the ARC again. I am very glad for the ARC it is essential. The submissions to the competition of 2007 are perhaps not up to some of the best of the past years. Miles has done a noble job in his critique. I am less enthusiastic but he has made […]
Gang of Four
Nothing to do with the Lib-Dems! I was delighted to have a early morning visitor and thought I would take a photo of him for the website. I was surprised to discover he had three friends with him. Pheasants are not native to our islands but are a very common sight, four cocks together in […]
Sculpture History Tour
Thank you Dianne Durante for telling us about this History of Sculptur Tour here;
Henry Holiday
It’s wonderful to see Gilbert Holiday’s father has made it to that French Site.
My Sculpture Website
My website at Artituk is down for the moment so please bear with me for a few days. There are plenty of pictures to upload, I just need a day or two to sort it all out.
Art Parks, Visit Great Sculpture
The Channel Islands are a great place to visit and I recommend Art Parks on Guernsey which has a good collection of sculpture. Art Parks have a web site if you can’t get there tomorrow and if you are planning to add to your Sculpture collection here’s a good place to look; hereIt is just […]
Building A New Sculpture Web Site
Building a new website sounds easy once you have mastered the software or programming. The trouble is that it has to be good; one has to be ambitious and the more one sees of other peoples webs sites the more ambitious one gets. However time is valuable the line must be drawn somewhere. I think […]