Some Spring Flowers

I am neglecting my blog, but working very hard on a large figure and a stallion, both must be finished urgently!!

These are for Marley, who asked if it was spring yet over here in England. The answer is; “sort of”, flowers and birds think so but the rest of us are gritting our teeth facing a cold spell with a mixture of sun, frost hail and even snow in some places.
A Friend has just retured from Maine after a short visit and tells me it is still snowy and cold there.

6 Responses to Some Spring Flowers

  1. marlyat2 March 5, 2008 at 6:37 pm #

    Delicious! Thank you, Robert. My mother has crocuses and hellebores in bloom down in the Carolinas.

    We are blooming snowflakes.

    Figure on stallion? Figure and stallion?

  2. Robert March 5, 2008 at 10:47 pm #

    No two seprate works Marley. I am about to launch the new web site, keep finding more mistakes; links all wrong; serious muddle!

    Sounds as if you are having fun over there.

  3. AJS March 7, 2008 at 5:22 pm #

    We’ve sleet and snow warnings in Florence, of all places! The early flowers are surely suffering – irises in full bloom, etc.

    I understand the frustrations of building/launching websites…looking forward to seeing it soon.

  4. marlyat2 March 10, 2008 at 1:59 pm #

    Robert, hope all those linkages are falling into place…

    College visits, snow and ice galore: ferrying and shoveling fun.

  5. marlyat2 March 13, 2008 at 3:14 pm #

    Leave me a note when it’s done!

  6. Susangalique March 20, 2008 at 5:48 pm #


    we have some of those same flowers and we had a late snow that froze them and it didnt hurt them. they are tough little buggers those early spring flowers