Archive | Dorset

Animal Character Reassessment

As a child of the fifties, enjoying such literary delights as Graham’s Wind in the Willows, Mole, Ratty and Badger have always been high on my list of loved and respected animals.Last night was heard across the length and breadth of merry England a blood curdling cry from our newly resident hen.Leaping about the garden […]

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Some Spring Flowers

I am neglecting my blog, but working very hard on a large figure and a stallion, both must be finished urgently!! These are for Marley, who asked if it was spring yet over here in England. The answer is; “sort of”, flowers and birds think so but the rest of us are gritting our teeth […]

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Gang of Four

Nothing to do with the Lib-Dems! I was delighted to have a early morning visitor and thought I would take a photo of him for the website. I was surprised to discover he had three friends with him. Pheasants are not native to our islands but are a very common sight, four cocks together in […]

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