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Anne of Buckingham

Tower of London Poppy Flow 14-18 War
I photographed this amazing sight from London’s tallest building, The Shard. A striking reminder of the loss of so many in War, (World War 1914 to 1918). The sun caught the Tower with a river of red poppys which seem to flow out towards the Thames.
Ideal Beauty
Did I really write this seven years ago? How time flies.
Berlin Again, Helmut Otto Exhibition
We made a short visit to Berlin in Germany to see an exhibition of a renowned water colourist Helmut Otto in the Galerie Forun Berlin, Kollwitzstrassa 54. His paintings will no doubt appear on Artprice in due course as there were some significant sales. His attention to composition and colour balance has yet to be […]
Arthurian Princess
HRH arrived home recently. My latest bronze work is now installed in my client’s garden. The mould was considered one of the most difficult ever done by the foundry and the amout of skilled work to bring her to this was very considerable. It was fun to do. The goblet’s contents may have the answer […]
Devon Dolphins and a Puffin
This little chap turns out to be a Puffin, dressed for work, the breeding season is over so he has adapted a less flamboyant dress code. We were quite surprised to see him or her on their own off the coast of Devon. I had been photographing a pod of Common Dolphins engaged in fish […]
Killer Whales off the Devon Coast
Yesterday we saw a pod of Killer Whales (orca) off the Devon Coast, they were in a hurry and took little notice of us as we sailed by. They had an amazing presence which I felt quite in awe of. Powerful wild animals forging past us no more than 20 yards away and the camera […]