
We English talk about the weather, that’s because we have an awful lot of it.My son is doing “Photography” and here is something he found in the pony’s field. We had a furniture industry in the 18th and 19th century here so there are lots of Wall nut trees around still.

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Dorset in Summer

Its Tuesday and I am determined to post a few pictures of Dorset Life. A Cheese Fair, The Georgian fair, the sea at Lulworth, our bantam chicks, a young swallow in May, and the world cup reaches the farm.

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I doubt there has ever been a potentially more exciting foreign collection of Art Exhibitions in London than there is now. I am planning a trip to them all and will let you know what I think. Rodin at The Royal Academy Holbein at Tate Britain Leonado Da Vinci at The Victoria and Albert Museum […]

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English Sculpture

If you go to English Sculpture Blog you will find my contribution to study English or more acurately British Sculpture. It is, will be, a very personal view but I hope enjoyable as well as useful. I have yet to learn how to get the pictures to work! Here is the link http://englishsculpture.blogspot.com/

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San Francisco Expo 2015

I am hoping that the San Francisco Exposition of 1915 will be repeated in 2015. I am going to push from this end for 2 reasons. Firstly because it looks as if it was one “hell of a good party” in 1915 and secondly because it would be great place to visit and exhibit contemporary […]

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12th October 2006 Lunch Time

I owe this blog to Chris Miller from Chicago USA. I recommend that you visit his blog and website one day. Well there’s a cool guy in a very hot place doing a very good job. See here http://www.telegraph.co.uk/core/Content/displayPrintable.jhtml?xml=/news/2006/09/25/wjuba25.xml&site=5&page=0 I am a keen supporter of English sculpture especially those who seem to have faded into […]

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