Raphael, Madonna

Thanks Ian Cox (26th October 2008) and Mail on line for this story. Sometimes restoration is for the better. PS I found a poem by Big Kenny While walking in the park one day, I saw a sculpture in my way. It stood alone, so tall and proud, The top of the statue next to […]

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Some important sculpture to be seen

Rodin’s hand Another of Rodin’s hands, much more interesting, but can you get your thumb like that? one of his best I think. Rodin again, mmm…………..MINOTAURE, VERSION AUX CORNES DROITES! A nightmare? Renoir’s child’s head Rodin dance movement, bit extreme! Degas girl Another Degas girl, better pose, At least when there is an economic wave […]

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Practise makes perfect

I am honoured; I have just discovered that I was “blog of the day” on LW Godsil’s blog for June 5th. Her jewellery is amazing, see here http://lwgodsilsjadisjewelry.blogspot.com/2008/06/practice.html She mentioned the proverb “practise makes perfect”; recently I heard on the wireless a discussion on music and the acquisition of real skill at playing an instrument; […]

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Ola Cohn’s tax burden

I found this below quite by chance about a pupil of Henry Moore called Ola Cohn; depressing is it not! She was quite a pioneer for Australian sculpture too. I hope Chris will look kindly at her for his list of 20c sculptors. The winning of a scholarship allowed her another year but by October […]

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Mark Coreth

An old soldier, younger than me and a sculptor too, has followed Hannibal’s example and marched an elephant over the Alps. Mark’s elephant was a bronze life size one though and far from being a Trojan horse it is now being admired for a very different reason in Rome. Mark is exhibiting some smaller things […]

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“The American” Sculpture

“Tulsa is the best kept secret in the heartland”. What news on this project? Will the credit crunch affect the time scale? Is bronze the best material for a work that size? 60 feet taller than the Statue Of Liberty; Good luck Shan Gray. http://www.theamerican.com/home/index.cfm?&Flash=1 http://theamerican.com/9/resources/TulsaWorld_6.pdf http://www.individual.com/story.php?story=90293120

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