I will try and make a work of art fit this criteria.A paper dart (aeroplane) works I think.1. is human activity of no practical purpose (teacher says) and is something new.2. included a message to the girl in the front row.3. communicated more than intended.4. included a reference to plans of expansion!5. initiated a pleasant […]
Author Archive | sculptor
A fellow blogger’s definitions of art, brave chap!
Definitions of artArt:1: Any purposeful human activity that has no practical purpose, i.e. does nothing directly for physical survival, and produces something new.2: Communication with beauty.3: Creation wedded to communication.4: A method of expanding the universe by creating.5: Creating something that is pleasant, making it easier for people to turn their attention outward.6: Interesting order.7: […]
My Art
Figures and Animals. http://cbs4denver.com/topstories/local_story_314082829.html(Lovelands in USA move figure sculpture) Up to now I have found that demand for my services as a sculptor has been split almost exactly 50/50 figures and animals. Only one of my figures was clothed. Only two were male. 75% of buyers of female figures were woman. All but one has […]
21st Century Figure Sculpture
Above is one of Chris’s own works you will find there. I am immensely chuffed to be added to Chris Miller’s 21st Century Figure Sculptors. Here is his remit for this part of his very comprehensive website which until recently covered only the 20th Century. It is a magnificent achievement and a very valuable data […]
Peabody arms
I just visited a blog by trying the next blog key. It was rather sad really, like mine not that many comments! In fact it had no comments at all and it read just this: Is there anybody out there?OK, I admit it. I’m not exactly a blog virgin, but I’ll admit to a slight […]
“Smokie” the shetland’s lunch
Just to prove we have a sunny lunch hour! Here is “The Smoke” trying to get into his lunch bucket which he always moans is too small!
Prince T and RT
Here are a couple of Sculptors I particularly like with links to other works or their site.Prince Paul Troubetzkoyhttp://www.artic.edu/aic/libraries/pubs/1912/AIC1912Troubetzkoy_comb.pdf If this link does not work and you are truly interested let me know and I can send you the pdf. and Rudolph Tegnershttp://www.tegnersvenner.dk/eftertid_d/data15.htm
A of B
Here is a sneak preview of one of my current works. She is destined for a river bower in Buckinghamshire. The first picture is the maquette, in the second she is at an early stage of the main cay.
So January has come and the rain with a vengeance. The water meadows are water-logged as they should be and it is wet dog time too. We hear of a hard winter arriving in the USA so it is only a matter of a couple of weeks and it will be on us too.
The herb garden
It is now December and we still have herbs growing in the garden. The temperature here last night was 15 c. I listened to some Gilbert and Sullivan last night after a long absence. I had forgotten just how much lighter one feels with it especially having just got through “The Witches’ Sabaoth”, but then […]