Archive | Artists

Contemporary Sculpture

On the subject of contemporary art, I have seen this work and liked it. The foundry told me it was extremely difficult to do. The outside of the shell is highly burnished; you can see your face in it! This clearly illustrates just how versitile bronze can be. Some of those figures on Philip Jackson’s […]

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Van Gogh’s sunflowers

100 swallows does a fantastic blog which I read regularly, enjoying the stories of Artists and Sculptors he tells and occasionally being inspired by a comment or work he has posted. I recommend you visit him too. Now I am not on the whole an argumentative type, but I sometimes disagree and can’t resist the […]

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Terra Cotta

Early work by Who? Rodin! I am keen to find a good example of two images of a terra cotta bust of similar ilk as these two, in an effort to compare media. The first is ‘Flora’ by C-Belleuse , two different versions. Marble The second is Mlle Vuillier by Aime-Jules Dalou , same work […]

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From The Royal Collection, Leda and the Swan (Leonardo) , Drawing by Raphael Lucretia by Raphael And these two by Raphael of his mistress Passable female forms? The almost ‘God Like’ adoration given to Michelangelo is in my view misplaced and many sculptors out stripped his skill. I acknowledge only that he was a great […]

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Childhood Sweethearts

Some years ago now we were invited to dinner at Christmas by a family not too far away. They were about twenty of them and six or seven of us so it was ‘fun’. Their kitchen was enormous with a huge table in the middle covered in paperwork and little room for anything else other […]

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Practical Sculpture

Ian Cox reminded me how important it is to see these things in the round so I have tried with this one. E J Clack’s drinking fountain in Green Park, London, more here Constance Fund But like this one in Poundbury Dorset, drinking (if there is any water) is not recommended. Just in passing it […]

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Public Sculpture

Commercial Sculpture, Tree would be better Felipe! Political left, perhaps and for Art’s sake on the right? These two are more practical, drinking fountain, for both two and four legged creatures; subject of a future post for Chris above and a shelter for lunch below? but is it Sculpture or Architecture? Rudy Weller’s ‘The Horses […]

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