At Easter I visited Oxford and inevitably spent much of my time here at the Ashmolean Museum Here are some of my pictures from one of the oldest Museums in Europe. Roman if I remember correctly The enticement to go up stairs Was well rewarded! Drury Ford Degas Fedi
Author Archive | sculptor
I came across Power’s “Greek Slave”, above, through a search for “Parian Ware” a medium in which I have recently completed a commission. (see for a brief history) Slavery and the history of slavery are not subjects I know a lot about, but it is a subject that crops up quite often in “browsing” […]
Lady American Sculptresses
When I started this post I had no idea what I had promised to do. There are lot of them and they did a lot of good stuff. There are even a few doing some good stuff today! (Master of the understatement). I said I would add as I went along but it doesn’t work […]
Lady Painters and Sculptors
This is in response to Chris Millers’ post on Sally Farnham, one of the many talented Lady Sculptors of America. Some time ago I was given a book about the paintings and sculpture collected by King Charles I of England, a subject that brought me to thinking about female artists and sculptors over the centuries […]
I had a really great day yesterday in the V&A, my first e-meeting. I had the privilege to meet two of the best bloggers in English. My camera does not like the lighting in dark museums and so my pictures were very disappointing. I do hope that soon our technology will overcome this difficulty of […]
Lady Godiva
In my continuing search for works by Sir William Reid Dick I found this one of Lady Godiva who’s story has intrigued me since I first heard it as a school boy. Also at the RA we can fine a Christ Child and Mother here:$03/1711%20index%20mus_obj_parts=.&_IXMAXHITS_=1&_IXSPFX_=full/t
Droit de Suite
If you write a book and it is published and does well you get royalties, same with a film, play, music etc. But as a painter or sculptor once you have sold your work of art for £500; that’s it. When the buyer sells it on for £50,000 a couple of years later the painter/ […]
Sir William Reid Dick’s Kelpie
Marly is right in some respects on the subject of “Kelpie” on my English Sculpture blog. Here is a bronze version of the same sculpture. The plaster would have been made as a “master” and kept by the foundry or the sculptor in case of accident and for the record. Smaller or larger versions could […]
More on relief
For my e-friends across the water I post these that Chris Miller missed out of the Reingold sale catalogue.
I wait with bated breath for the next instalment of Amanda Sisk’s post on sculptural relief and drawing. As Chris has also picked up this subject in a very positive way I felt somewhat bound to add my bit. It is necessary sometimes to resort to relief for reasons of space in particular. I do […]