Have a look at the English Sculpture blog.
More at the V & A
What ever you may think of the subject matter the technical difficulties involved in firing something this size are enormous. Again you must see it in reality to get the real feel of it. My hand is not still enough. The lighting is perfect for the naked eye but flash would distort the image. Next […]
The Victoria and Albert
My favourite London Museum. With respect you will be pleased to hear that it caters for the aristocracy, the landed gentry, the professional, the bourgeoisie, and the proletariat and of course the academic, the learned and the clever. In simple words it’s got something for everyone. It covers nearly every culture in the world in […]
A Vet’s mark on London
I offer you“Peace in her Quadriga”By Adrian Jones (1845 -1938) Just occasionally ones world is turned up-side-down and here is a good example. I have passed this sculpture so many many times. Of course I knew it and of it, but this is the first time I have really looked at it. The largest bronze […]
Leighton’s mirror image
As I prepared Chris’s tribute I thought to check on a note I had read recently in a book about a sketch Leighton had done supposedly for his Painting entitled “The Music Lesson”. Something wasn’t quite right. On closer inspection it appears that the sketch is a mirrored version to the painting. I have never […]
Venus of Berekhat Ram
Could this be the earliest work of Art? The experts think Africa may have it so;Throat of Olduvai in Tanzania. http://www.paleolithicartmagazine.org/pagina34.html http://www.asa3.org/archive/evolution/199610/0084.html and the others http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venus_figurines
Wild Cherry Dorset 25th February 2007
For Chris and Nabeel my Swallow.
A little tribute to Chris Miller
Chris’ contribution to opening up the untimely buried figure sculpture of the 20th and 21st centuries is awesome; but what of his “own contribution” as he puts it? Literary expression is not my strong point but instead I will just draw your attention dear reader, to Mr. Miller the sculptor. It would be easy just […]
Ode to a Toad
I know the foxes and crows clean up before day break by which time few people have seen our annual slaughter. Our love sick toads just can’t resist the approach to our village, hundreds died each year on rainy nights between January and March. There must have been 20 deaths there tonight. A sad Valentine.