For Chris

Well it varies! My favourite which we bought last year was £15, ($ 28) it had a good number of flowers but was rather “leggy” and so in the “sale” at half price. This year it is doing well but still a bit “leggy”. I think when it has flowered you can prune it so it becomes more bushy like this good one which was priced at £180 ($335) this year. Needless to say it did not end up in our car. I have posted a “detail” picture too for good measure!
PS We do not have shares (stock) in this company by the way!!!

6 Responses to For Chris

  1. Susangalique March 31, 2007 at 4:11 am #

    that is crazy! I think I would have to go dig one up somewhere!

    England is so expensive. When I was there I got all my gifts and souvenirs at charity shops. My brother lived Pinner and those ladies give some nice stuff to charity! If I saw a sign that said Cancer research IU was there.

    Now that I think about it. One day we bought him a purple petunia and somebody stole it right off his front porch and he practically lived in the church parking lot.

  2. Robert March 31, 2007 at 11:18 am #

    I know, the dollar is weak at the moment (I think), it has usually been the other way round. Nevertheless Camellias are expensive.

    We bought an Azalea a week or two ago for 10p (18c) in a sale in the local supermarket. All it needed was some water. Still going strong; I’ll post it up soon. My monitor is so bad at present I can’t see anything except a sickly green. New one on Monday.

  3. chris miller March 31, 2007 at 1:17 pm #

    One of our artist friends moved to London a few years ago to work as gardener.

    (and I didn’t realize that was commensurate with being a banker !)

  4. Susangalique April 1, 2007 at 5:47 am #


    I just noticed that earned a spot on your link list. I feel so crazy happy that I am Alabama hat. :o)

  5. Blue Genes April 2, 2007 at 6:57 am #

    It looks in the photo as if you have your own greenhouse. Do you have an extensive garden? I was under the impression that many of your flora photos were things you happily discovered. Perhaps they’ve been a combo of both your own plants as well little beauties you stumbled upon?

  6. Robert April 2, 2007 at 9:13 am #

    We have about 5 camellias I suppose no greenhouse and a garden of about half of an acre completely surrounded by countryside. We are halfway up a hill sheltered by some beeches to the South West which also take out a lot of light to the garden in the afternoon!

    The people who lived here before us were not gardeners and kept sheep! It is wild in the wooded area with lots of cow parsley bluebells and ivy. We have tried to preserve the wild flowers, white violets and cow slips (only ones I can remember the names of) in the more cultivate part though. Daffodils are nearly over but the primroses are looking good. The grass is very poor this year both in the garden and in the field. We have a significant problem with rabbits and deer which are always breeding and will eat everything. If they survive those hungry mouths, we have lots of clematis (pl), roses, delphiniums, hollyhocks, honeysuckle and the butterfly magic bush (forgotten the name of it). There are more but I am not the gardener just the lawn mower and bonfire keeper!

    We occasionally see weasels and stoats, badgers more often and the bird life is prolific. The swallows have not yet arrived from Africa, though expected soon. Top of the birds are the buzzards and peregrines and bottom are the gold crested wren. Three years ago we had nightingales just below us. Very noisy all night long, and endless torrent of erratic bird song. Conrad would not have blessed it!