Decadent Art and Sculpture

I am not ashamed of my love of Decadent Art.

This picture from

with thanks

4 Responses to Decadent Art and Sculpture

  1. chris miller August 9, 2008 at 11:37 pm #

    And I am not ashamed of being Puritanical (at least as much as Lorado Taft was)

    Definition of Decadence from the Concise Oxford Dictionary: “a luxurious self-indulgence”.

    (which is exactly what I was thinking before I looked it up! — and it certainly fits the image you have presented)

    What’s wrong with a bit of self-indulgence ? Nothing, I hope— or how dreary our lives might be.

    But to glorify self-indulgence through the arts ? No — the only things that should be glorified are things that are higher, greater, and other than self.

    As if it mattered what we do.

  2. Robert August 10, 2008 at 3:54 pm #

    Wow this is going to be a deep one and complicated.

    If you have a quick look at The Decadent Movement associated with The Aesthetic Movement,’Fin de siecle’ writers and with Symbolism in Art then you will see what I meant. Where do you feel Taft fits in that pot Chris?

  3. chris miller August 12, 2008 at 9:43 pm #

    Yikes! I’m not that literary — and I can’t even read French!

    I have spent the last few months reading — and re-reading — an 1895 Chinese novel (in translation) about life in the upscale brothels of Shanghai. Talk about decadence — whew!

    It doesn’t seem to celebrate a “luxurious self indulgence” however. More like — just a report on the difficulties of life.

    Like — the paintings of Edvard Munch — who, Wikipedia tells us, was also in the “Decadent movement”

    Where does Lorado Taft fit into it all?

    To me — he seems to celebrate midwestern American wholesomeness.
    It’s a rather limited – perhaps superficial theme – but it has a certain local charm.

  4. Susangalique August 31, 2008 at 7:05 pm #

    God RObert! YOur blog is hitting home run after home run!

    every post blows me away