Letter about Anne of Buckinghamshire

 ?Hi Robert, I discovered your sculpture of Anne Boleyn earlier this week and I have come back everyday since to look at it. I think it is one of the most beautiful works of art I have seen. I am a poor student so don’t think I have any commercial interest here. I just wanted […]

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Working Cocker “Mitzi”

This photo is an interesting one. Patina (colour of Bronze) is like so much that goes on in the foundry immensely skilful. Bearing in mind that bronze will, if looked after last for, well, more or less for ever.  Source: Dorset Sculpture

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Worthy to be a Bert

 Storm Bert bites back We Bert’s don’t do things by half. Take the Albert Memorial for example!  Returning back on Sunday evening from the spaniel delivery I met a wall of water from Oxfordshire all the way down to the West Country. Many times I passed abandoned vehicles in the middle of the flooded roads. […]

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New Version In Jesmonite

Having arrived at the decision to cast a new version in Jesmonite rather than the other options; (a completely new work, a repaired copy in bronze, repair the existing with a composite or do block marble repairs etc.),  I decided that key features need to be recorded before it was dismantled, so I used putty rubber […]

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The Fountain, Wellington Square, London SW3

The joke is on me to be honest. I spent my school holidays in France when I was an 11 and 12 year old. My Father was stationed in Versailles during the Berlin airlift crisis and we lived in Maison Lafitte. This was an opportunity for family and friends to visit us, so I was […]

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Lottie goes Home To Selborne in Hampshire

 Breaking news for the Wakes, Gilbert White and the Oates museum in Selborne. Lottie has been installed in the herb garden in memory of Natalie Mees. Lottie was my first figure commission in the 1990s. The full story is on my website. Full details of her installation and story will be posted here soon. We […]

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The Mirror in Alice through the looking glass

 I remember very clearly being told that the inspiration for This mirror was in the Guards Club in London. Guards Club In 1972, or slightly before, I was taken to lunch at the Cavalry and Guards Club, 127 Piccadilly. This was to encourage me to join. As a young Officer Cadet at Sandhurst I was […]

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The Danish Girl

We’ve been watching some Scandinavian tv dramas recently which reminded me of my Danish girl. This, a second, larger version of this work, came about from a commission request from Denmark, home of the Little Mermaid. Perhaps one shouldn’t like ones own work  🙂 but I really do like this one. I must think of a […]

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